Kangana Ranaut Keeps Maun, finds Tehrav!


Kangana Ranaut is unfazed by things around her from the time she has moved on to Yoga. She admitted she was going through tough times (thanks to Aditya Pancholi) but Yoga helped her sail through. She says,

“I got everything very soon in my life but personally my life was going through too much of trauma. I was really trapped by dirty people and they wouldn’t let me concentrate on my work. They tried to harm me both physically as well as mentally.”

She is quite vivacious and effervescent in nature and the practice of Maun or Silence helped her find ‘tehrav’ or harmony in life.

“Initially I found it very difficult to stay silent; however through perseverance I did manage to develop this as a regular part of my yoga practice and have benefited ever since.”

“When I am working, I have to give it 100%. So that’s why I took a break for my personal work to sort out all my issues and only then got back to work. I did not want to struggle between work and personal issues. I am not that kind of a person. I can do only one thing at a time”, she had stated earlier.

“Now, through Silence, I feel I’ve discovered my Soul, the very centre of my being, which is the source of all my energy - creative, spiritual, emotional and mental. I’ve always been a very focused person, and I’ve chosen to portray characters in my film that are challenging and strong. This awareness and practice has given me greater ability to channel my energy effectively to deliver even better on these performances”, she says in an obvious relaxed tone.

Perhaps that means there would be no co-star rivalries for Kangana anymore.


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